// Success story / 2015
beDirect invested in a new search and matching technology to quickly and securely implement the maintenance of customer databases with huge amounts of data.
beDirect is a joint venture between Creditreform and Bertelsmann. At the heart of the company is a database with over 16 million data records. This B2B reference database, which is unique in Germany, plus employee know-how makes beDirect the quality leader for data quality measures.
This reference database consists of historical and current data records. This allows customers to start at any point in their data history when updating their database, for example. To maintain customer databases, beDirect used to use software developed in-house. In recent years, however, this established solution could no longer meet the increased requirements. beDirect decided to invest in a new search and matching technology. The goal was to improve the hit rate for maintenance processes in customer databases despite increased data volume and new search parameters and fields.
As a result, all known technologies were validated. "During the tests, however, it was determined that most of the applications could not surpass our previous in-house developed solution," says Managing Director Roland Meyer. "In one appointment, we got to know the company exorbyte and their CEO Benno Nieswand. Mr. Nieswand presented his search and matching technology to our company. We quickly realized that we have a very similar understanding of customer requirements and process improvements."
Test rating: The best search and match technology
The matchmaker from exorbyte was subsequently subjected to numerous tests and confronted with everyday problems in finding the right data set. All these tests were passed with flying colors and the technology has been in use at beDirect since August 2015. Now, in the end, it's not always easy to switch to a completely new system, especially when employees have spent years getting used to a solution they developed themselves. Here matchmaker plays the trump card of already offering many functions from the standard, so that these did not have to be programmed at length. The quickly understandable usability was ultimately decisive for the successful acceptance by the beDirect specialists in the productive phase.
matchmaker is used in two areas at beDirect. The first is in the web app beFind. This is a search and find solution in dialog, i.e. the customer enters a search query and gets his search result already while typing.
The second area is within the integrated address maintenance concept beServe. The application is connected to the beDirect reference database and the individual maintenance processes via an interface.
With matchmaker, more than 5 million data records are currently processed per month in the area of search and find, respectively the monitoring and matching of customer data.
The runtime has been reduced to an average of 30% of the previous one, while the number of search fields has been doubled. At the same time, the hit rate has increased by about 10% compared to the old solution.
We are very satisfied with the constructive cooperation to date. Even with tricky tasks, our critical experts give matchmaker very high marks. And to satisfy them is not that easy.
// Roland Meyer, Managing Director, beDirect GmbH
beDirect in Gütersloh was founded in 2001 as a joint venture between arvato, Bertelsmann's outsourcing specialist, and Creditreform, Germany's largest credit agency. 80 employees at five locations in Germany provide customers from telecommunications, retail, financial services, government and other industries with addresses, data and individual solutions for customer acquisition and existing customer care. The beDirect database contains over three million credit-checked and commercially active German company addresses plus additional information; a total of over 16 million B2B and consumer-type data.
Talk to our solution experts or directly schedule a demo appointment to get to know our solutions for various data matching applications.