Fast access to all documents

Immediately see who or what your document is about and what data is available. Work faster, better, and more digitally.

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Versicherungen, heroshot

This is how intelligent input management works

You know it too well: Your company's inbox is full to the brim every day. Millions of documents are received and sent out every year. To cope with this task, insurance companies must rely on automation. exorbyte supports insurance companies to automate intelligently – in the shortest possible time, without time consuming system consolidation and with perfect dark processing. And this is where perfection pays off because hundreds of thousands of euros can be saved with every percentage point more in automation .

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Multitool, Icon

Multi-tool for optimal data use

Whenever you need to search, match, and assign data: exorbyte supports you with flexible solutions that speed your data processes. Encounter data diversity with high-performance matching for single case checks or in bulk proceedings against different data sources.

We can do Wow!

Experience how quickly we match policyholder data and contract data from different systems.

Intelligently manage millions of documents

Allianz AG receives more than 30 million documents annually via its inbox. With matchmaker as the central search technology, the insurance company accelerates the processing of incoming mail for more than 7,000 employees.

Read the success story

Allianz logo

More solutions
for your data governance

Duplettenbereinigung, Duplettenprävention

Duplicate cleansing and duplicate prevention

Lean goes faster: matchmaker brings order to your data. Clean up duplicate records and prevent duplicates in the future.


Efficient lead acquisition with external data

If you are looking for new customer potential in external data, matchmaker not only brings light into the darkness, but also saves cash. This way, you get fresh data in no time at all.


Strong compliance and prudent risk management

Stay on the safe side and protect yourself against fraud, illegal transactions, and money laundering. With intelligent data matching by exorbyte, you can identify risky business relationships at an early stage.

Let’s start right away.

Our experts will show you how we can optimize your data processes quickly and efficiently.


+49 7531 36339-00 Book online appointment